Hamilton's E-Wave Analysis

CON, Connemarra Mining Company plc. (on AIM)

This is an exploration company, founded in 2007, operating in Ireland and searching for Zinc primarily but also all the other by-products like gold , silver, copper etc. Zinc at the peak was trading at $5000 a ton and has come down to about $2000. These guys are “Driven by results” and everything is “first class”. Here is the chart;

A solid company no doubt, but the claim that they are driven by results certainly does not seem to extend to the stock value. Furthermore, despite Shakespeare’s musings about what is, or is not, in a name, it is hard not to wonder who the not too bright wiz kid was that chose the ticker symbol. Apart from that, what is there not to like? The company’s equity consists entirely of intangible assets, that is capitalized exploration expenses. Otherwise another bright spot is its association with Teck Cominco at Stonepark where the two companies have a few joint ventures.