Balloon dog

balloon dog

We all heard about the $140 mln Francis Bacon triptych that sold at auction the other day. This balloon dog missed the limelight but actually beats the triptych. For one, there is only one dog, not three. Furthermore the guy who made this is alive and well making this the most expensive piece of art by a living artist. $58 mln!!! Can you imagine how this guy, when short on cash,  could just go into his basement and work for a few minutes and be OK for another lifetime. No inflation?? And to think that my mom always told me to stay away from artists and their kin.

DGC, Detour Gold update

dgc nov 14 2013 bdgc 14 nov 2013 s

We were perhaps a little early in our previous blog. With the benefit of that hindsight it now looks like a reasonable buy at these levels or 50 cents lower. This is a viable gold miner operating in Ontario. It is one of the largest new mines with relatively low production costs. Coming from $40 a buy at $5 would certainly satisfy the “buy low, sell high” mantra.

SRTY Pro Shares Ultra Pro short Russell 2000


From 400 to 12 is impressive. Nice five waves too. You risk loosing much of your money, but then if it works you could be at 110 in no time. Not for the faint of heart. Leveraged 3x. Give it a shot with a little part of your money.