COS, Canadian Oils Sands Ltd. update

cos june 2012

Back in October of last year with the stock close to $17, we expected a rebound to $24 and then down again. That is exactly what we got except that it took a lot longer. That would still put us in wave 5 right now but it should make a new low, below $17 at the very least. To gain time we are assuming that wave 2 of this 5th wave is a running correction and as a result we are still is wave 3 with 4 and 5 to go which could easily get us to the target.

Oil recently got to about $78 a barrel, this is getting critically close to where the oil sands are commercially viable (about $65???). If oil were to drop below that level for an extended period of time the stranded costs could literally kill some of the operators (by the way, China is in this game for $14 bln. or so). There are already problems with getting the pipelines built, which are critical for getting the stuff to where it can be used. There is already talk about the US becoming self-sufficient ( by using gas etc.), but the biggest event is the economy. If it tanks. so will oil and the oil-sands may not be viable for another 20-30 years. Time will tell but the stage is definitely set.

COS update.

cos oct 6 2011 cos oct 6 s 2011

Best guess is that we just completed an expanding wedge wave 5 of 3, which should be retraced entirely, so back to $24, but after that it should be down again. Keep an eye on oil, if it gets well under $65/$60 it could accelerate down as a result of stranded capital investments.

COS.un , Canadian Oil Sands.

cos 2011 l

cos.un sept 2010

These are old charts going back to early November 2010, below is what actually happened;

cos aug 2011

The stock did not quite make it to $39, it reached $34 simple because the c wave was only 62% of the a wave instead of being equal.It essentially failed to record a new high, a potentially very dangerous signal . That is why you have to look at the commodity as well to get a feel for when a stock may turn. Since peaking the stock has lost about 1/3 of its value. At the moment a good bounce may well be in the cards but ultimately a new low should be anticipated. I am not sure at what price for oil the existing investments become “stranded” but it is somewhere around $40 to $60 for the industry as a whole. In the stock market there are no negative values, in economics there definitely are. They occur when the operating cost exceed revenues for an extended period of time and the best choice is to abandon the operation. Certainly not a likely event, but the question is how close can we get to it. This is what Schumpeter’s creative destruction is all about.